large edition | 07
small edition | 07
Goud Fries
Golden Frisian
from the series:
Cultural living heritage ‘the last of their kind’
Tribute to the Frisian grouse – Friese hoen – Goudpel (Gold pelt) – and Frisian Harlinger tile work.
The ‘Friese hoen’ is an old breed that already existed on the mounds in the early Middle Ages. Here a winner Goudpel – gold pelt rooster shows off for you. As one of the first color varieties, the Goudpel was included in the standard of the Frisian hen.
As a real Frisian chicken breed, you have to excel for a tile wall of real Frisian tiles? Harlinger tiles to be precise, made according to an age-old craft. Together they form a front room wall from 1808 in the head-neck-trunk farm ‘Buwekleaster’ in Drogeham.
When the Frisian breed was in bad shape in the early 1920s, this was the reason for some fanciers to set up ‘De Fryske Hinneklub’ in January 1922. Especially in the thirties, members of that club went out of their way to breed back the lost colors. The Friesian fowl has now been given the status ‘endangered’ but ‘stable’ by the Foundation for Rare Pet Breeds.
Also at work with Janke 278 , the Red Friesian cow, a back-bred color can be seen: the Red Cuckoo Friesian grouse.
Status: endangered
Number of hens: 600
Trend in the last 15 years: stable
My thanks for your cooperation to:
Fryske Hinnen
Harm Jan Brink
Joop Petter
George Willemsen
Hijltje van Abbema
photography art,