large edition | 09
small edition | 20
Erpel, 1885 Nuenen
‘Gisteravond zag ik door het raam van een boerenwoning een gezin aan de aardappel en de schoonheid daarvan liet me niet meer los’. – ‘Last night I saw a family on the potato through the window of a farmhouse and the beauty of it didn’t let me go.’ This is a sentence from one of the many letters that Vincent van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo. Vincent describes here the reason for his painting ‘De aardappeleters’ – ‘The Potato Eaters’. I used that moment as a starting point for this artwork.
Actually on the spot where the home of the De Groot family, the potato eaters, stood, I created an image that Vincent, then, saw in 1885. With a view of the mill ‘De Roosdonck’, which can regularly be found on Vincent’s sketches and paintings, the farmland and the farmer and his family have dinner together.